Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yogurt Snack

I live on campus at BSC, but my favorite place to eat on campus is the Commuter Caf. Go figure. But I recently tried these pretzels there. Why am I talking about pretzels in a yogurt blog? Because they were yogurt-covered pretzels!! They are so good! I recommend them to everyone! The ComCaf also has chocolate-covered pretzels (do not eat these; they are gross -- at least in my opinion). For some reason the yogurt ones are just so good, and the chocolate ones taste like wax-covered pretzels. If you guys don't want to buy the yogurt pretzels from our overpriced Caf, here's a recipe where you can make them at home:

1 bag of your favorite miniature pretzels
2 cups strawberry or vanilla yogurt
5 cups confectioners sugar

Preheat oven to 250°F. In a large mixing bowl, mix the confectioners sugar into the yogurt one cup at a time with a hand blender. Using tongs or chopsticks, dip the pretzels, one at a time into the frosting and place them on the wire cooling rack. (Place a cookie sheet under the wire rack to catch the excess frosting that will drip from the pretzels.) Once all pretzels are coated, turn your oven off and place the wire rack and cookie sheet in, leaving the oven door slightly open. The excess heat will help the frosting dry without leaving the pretzels soggy. Allow frosting to harden for 3-4 hours, remove from oven, and store pretzels in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Yields: 3-4 dozen pretzels

Nutrition Facts Per Serving:
(7 pretzels) Calories 230; Calories from Fat 10; Total Fat 1g; Cholesterol 0mg; Total Carbohydrates 52g; Protein 3

Enjoy!! :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Yogurt -- A Healthy Snack

Here's an article I found about the health benefits of yogurt -- one of the many reasons I love it!

Not only is yogurt a wonderful quick, easy and nutritious snack that is available year-round, but researchers are finding evidence that milk and yogurt may actually add years to your life as is found in some countries where yogurt and other fermented dairy products (like kefir) are a dietary staple.

Yogurt is a fermented dairy product made by adding bacterial cultures to milk, which causes the transformation of the milk's sugar, lactose, into lactic acid. This process gives yogurt its refreshingly tart flavor and unique pudding-like texture, a quality that is reflected in its original Turkish name, Yoghurmak, which means "to thicken."

Health Benefits
Our food ranking system qualified yogurt as a very good source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2 and iodine. Yogurt also emerged from our analysis as a good source of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum. These 10 nutrients alone would make yogurt a health-supportive food. But some of the most interesting health information about yogurt comes from a different context-its potential inclusion of live bacteria.

Yogurt for A Longer Life
The highest quality yogurt in your grocery store contains live bacteria that provides a host of health benefits. Yogurt that contains live bacterial cultures may help you to live longer, and may fortify your immune system. Research studies have shown that increased yogurt consumption, particularly in immunocompromised populations such as the elderly, may enhance the immune response, which would in turn increase resistance to immune-related diseases.

One research study tracked a population of 162 very elderly people for five years. The incidence of death for those subjects who ate yogurt and milk more than three times per week was 38% lower than the incidence of death those subjects who ate yogurt and other dairy foods less than once a week. (Consuming citrus fruit twice a week and a lowered consumption of meat were also associated with decreased incidence of death).

Eating yogurt may help to prevent vaginal yeast infections. In one study, women who had frequent yeast infections ate 8 ounces of yogurt daily for 6 months. Researchers reported that a threefold decrease in infections was seen in these women.

Article continued here:
According to this website, yogurt is considered one of the world's healthiest foods. You can use the search engine on the site to explore other healthy foods and why they're good for you.